Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Alucard has a lot of bad guys to go through to get to his father, but no matter! Uploaded by Anonymous Report. This game is the basis of many modern hand-held console versions of Castlevania as well as other "MetroidVania" style games and it is easy to see why. I never liked Metroid games but loved Castlevania Symphony of The Night specially because Alucard only use swords and short range weapons made the gameplay more natural for me, a fan of Strider and Shinobi. Download this game and experience something that reinvented an entire genre of gaming goodness!!! Added by RedFlameFox Report. LunarX rates this game: castlevania sotn iso psx

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Symphony of the Night is a 2D action-adventure platformer known for introducing a new style of open-ended gameplay mixed with RPG-like mechanics. It's free, easy and feels damn good!

Castlevania : Symphony of the Night (Clone)

Symphony of the Night follows Alucard, son of the evil Count Dracula, as he attempts to end oso centuries of death and destruction that follows his bloodline. This game is the basis of many modern hand-held console versions of Castlevania as well as other "MetroidVania" style games and it is easy to see why.

Action Platformer Action-Adventure Rating: Great graphics, lots of bad guys, lots of cool loot and power ups, simplistic but good story line, unmatched game play, and a musical score that literally makes you feel like you are inside the castle yourself LunarX rates this game: Added by RedFlameFox Report.

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Read all 8 reviews for Castlevania - Symphony of the Night E. Will Maria find Richter and will Alucard be able to defeat his father and end the reign of darkness once more? Castlevania Symphony of the Night takes the old gameplay formal of the Castlevania games and adds it up with the graphical power of the ps1 and some dash of RPG elements and delivers and timeless classic.

PlayStation (PSX) ROMs / ISOs - C - Rom Hustler

Emo kid with daddy issues rushes to burn down the family home, but is confronted by the new owner, a vet suffering from a psychotic break. MrRobodyNobot rates this game: Games you may like: Featuring a diverse score, colorful character designs, and some of the worst voice casflevania since Resident Evil, Castlevania: Alucard also finds that he is not alone in his quest as he meets a mysterious girl named Maria who is searching for her friend Richter Belmont.

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You control Alucard, the son of Dracula, who has awoke from a long sleep after sensing Dracula's power return to the land. Mykalgaidin rates this game: J Caravan Ninja Gaiden: So, get ready to whip up Dracula. Use the links above: For more emulators, check out our extensive emulators section. Find out how else you can support emuparadise. Dracula's castle is full of powerful magical weapons and armor to help him on his way to the final battle.

Maria tells Alucard that she believes that Richter is there inside of Dracula's castle after Alucard informs her that he is there to put an end to the evil inside the castle. You will need to login to your EP account it's free to submit tags and other game information.

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Talk about Castlevania - Symphony of the Night E: I never liked Metroid games but loved Castlevania Symphony of The Night specially because Alucard only use swords and short range weapons made the gameplay more natural for me, a fan of Strider and Shinobi.

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Download this game and experience something that reinvented an entire genre of psd goodness!!! So you what you see? He locates Dracula's castle and enters to defeat his father and bring peace once again.

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Alucard has a lot of bad guys to go through to get to his father, but no matter! Submit your description for this title! Symphony of the Night was the very first Castlevania game on playstation.

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